Predict changes driven by reducing the surface of the plants and animals live in the sea. These provide food for plants and animals, live in the depths Zi Xiu Tang of the ocean. A ripple effect change could threaten many communities rely on fisheries around the world.

Led the study, the national oceanography centre (NOC), based in Southampton in the UK, using the most advanced the change of the climate models Fruta Planta Diet Pills predict Marine food supply all over the world. Then scientists team associated Marine food supply and the biomass of the relationship between the total quality of all living things - in this case, in a given volume of water, calculated from a huge global database of Marine biology.

Is expected to change the bottom of the sea life despite the plants and animals, an average of 4 km (2.5 miles) on the surface of the ocean, the reason is that the deep-sea communities Botanical Slimming Gels depend food near-surface living Marine biological death still sink to the bottom of the sea. Less mean sea surface rich nutrition supply of decomposition of vegetation and the body to the depths of the ocean.

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