But five years ago, so merchants met another woman , it is at this point , the judge Bodie , in the High Court , the discovery of new living Meizitang arrangements of the businessman and his new wife in marriage and family life , with a new woman 12 -year-old daughter and partner in their home to keep some of the housekeeper .

Unsurprisingly partners have found new plan " very demeaning and upsetting, " began to consult a lawyer ( attorney ) filed a lawsuit . The judge said the millionaire Original Meizitang did not understand why his partner has become a " positive" by her lawyer , the Telegraph reports.

Millionaires and even Slimming Botanical Soft Gel Wholesale threatened her that he would " commit suicide or hunger strike " if she goes to court on financial matters , "the report independently.

Shortly Olympics in Sochi , the law " homosexual propaganda" in Russia has been concerned to the participants and athletes. Residents of Toronto has created a disruptive product support and raise awareness : Russian nesting dolls.

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